Web pages developing

Web Applications ON-LINE


Your real projects

in my virtual world

joomla developer

Practical information

SEO web design

It is a process to achieve the highest position of our website in the search engines.


World Wide Web - a set of interrelated resources and documents


Search Engine Friendly - user-friendly search engine.


Prices are negotiable - I guarantee the best quality of developed page.

Web site from 399 EUR !!! The promotional offer includes:

  1. new domain in the price, but only on hosting selected by me
  2. maintain your website for one year from the date of registration
  3. professional web stats google analitics
  4. on request, perform a standard w3c
  5. optimization for SEO
  6. placement in the search engine GOOGLE, MSN, YAHOO
  7. site map in XML format
  8. up to 5 pages

 Web site from 499 EUR The offer includes:

  1. advanced CMS
  2. new domain in the price, but only on hosting selected by me
  3. maintain your website for one year from the date of registration
  4. professional web stats google analitics
  5. on request, perform a standard w3c
  6. optimization for SEO
  7. placement in the search engine GOOGLE, MSN, YAHOO
  8. site map in XML format
  9. unlimited number of pages

 Web site from 599 EUR The offer includes:

  1. advanced CMS
  2. image galleries, multimedia, movies, music, mp3, download / upload files, forum, guestbook, search, polls
  3. new domain in the price, but only on hosting selected by me
  4. maintain your website for one year from the date of registration
  5. professional web stats google analitics
  6. on request, perform a standard w3c
  7. optimization for SEO
  8. placement in the search engine GOOGLE, MSN, YAHOO
  9. site map in XML format
  10. unlimited number of pages


webmaster: www.pklopotowski.pl, all prices are net price